Beauchamp Mews
This narrow site was previously unused parking provision for the adjacent block of flats. Insightful asset management by its owners resulted in the provision of a four bedroom house for sale that generated income to reinvest in their social housing stock.
The main site challenge was that it was landlocked land surrounded by existing properties. The design solution was a single storey L shaped building occupying the width of the site frontage but stepped back to create a courtyard and private amenity space to the rear. Roof lights enable light to be drawn into the internal corridor.
TOCA undertook the detail design working collaboratively with the contractor to deliver the high specification required for the target market. Sustainability was a key consideration with high standards of insulation, solar panel and a green roof incorporated in the design.
When the local authority rejected the name recommended for the new road derived from the adjacent street, TOCA researched the local history and suggested Beauchamp Mews. This name reflecting grand local associations was TOCA’s second success at naming a London Street and no doubt enhanced the sale price obtained.